LumiCoil™LumiCoil fiducial marker - FIGURE 8, 10mm - 0.018" - box of 3
Product Number: M00553841
GTIN: 08714729972891
LumiCoil Platinum Fiducial Markers feature platinum construction designed for clear visibility in CT, X-Ray, EUS, CBCT, and MRI procedures.* The use of fiducials may lead to more accurate targeting in delivery of radiation.
*Data on File; Bench tests may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance
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Technical Description
- Fiducial O.D. (in): 0.018
- Implanted Fiducial Length (mm): 5
- Overall Fiducual Length (mm): 10
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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