Acquire™ SAcquire S EUS FNB - 22ga
Product Number: M00555640
Acquire S is designed for ease-of-puncture¹ and to help maximize diagnostic yield without compromising the quality of core tissue samples to obtain an accurate diagnosis.²
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Technical Description
- Needle Size (Ga): 22
1. Data on File. Windchill document #92959483 Bench Test Data. Acquire S Puncture Force Claims Technical Report A. The testing was performed by BSC. Data on file. Test Method Summary: P<.001, 15 unit sample size for each needle type and performed three consecutive punctures with each needle in a synthetic gel block material to assess puncture force required after three punctures. The Acquire 22ga EUS FNB Needle was tested with the stylet retracted for puncture with the needle tip. The Acquire S 22ga EUS FNB Needle was tested using the stylet in the forward position for puncture with the stylet. Needles tested are the Acquire 22ga EUS FNB Needle (Boston Scientific Corporation, Marlborough, MA) and Acquire S 22ga EUS FNB Needle (Boston Scientific Corporation, Marlborough, MA). Bench testing results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.
2. Kaneko J, Ishiwatari H, Sasaki K, et al. Macroscopic on-site evaluation of biopsy specimens for accurate pathological diagnosis during EUS-guided fine needle biopsy using 22-G Franseen needle. Endosc Ultrasound. 2020;9(6):385-391.
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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