Expect™ PulmonaryExpect Pulmonary Olympus 25ga
Product Number: M00558250
GTIN: 08714729861416
The Expect Pulmonary Endobronchial Ultrasound Transbronchial Aspiration Needle is designed to be used with endobronchial ultrasound endoscopes for ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of the submucosal and extramural lesions of the tracheobronchial tree and the gastrointestinal tract.
- Sharp needle tip grind is designed for precise penetration into the target area. Testing shows no deterioration in sample quality throughout a procedure.1
- Cobalt chromium needle provides benefits over some stainless steel alloys including greater needle hardness and excellent tensile properties2
Highly Visible Echogenic Pattern
- Extends onto needle tip to help provide precise guidance within the target site
- Helps to maintain needle tip visibility at all times during a procedure
1 Data on file.
2 Catheter and Specialty Needle Alloys, an abstract from Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, August 10-12,2009. Ultrasound and pathology images courtesy of Dr. Septimiu Murgu
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Technical Description
- Minimum Working Channel (mm): 2.0
- Needle Size (Ga): 25
- Sheath O.D. (mm): 1.4