Fathom™Fathom™ 16 Steerable Guidewires - 0.016in x 215cm, Straight
Product Number: M001509300
GTIN: 08714729961130
The FATHOM-16 Steerable Guidewire is intended for general intravascular use in the peripheral vasculature. It can be used to selectively introduce and position catheters and other interventional devices within the peripheral vasculature. This device should be used only by physicians trained in percutaneous, intravascular techniques and procedures.
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Technical Description
- Length (cm) : 90
- Tip Length (cm): 10.0
- Tip Shape : Straight
- Total Length (cm): 215.0
- Proximal/ Distal O.D. (F): 0.016
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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