Trapezoid™ RXTrapezoid™ RX Retrieval Basket, 1.5cm
Product Number: M00510860
GTIN: 08714729296379
The Trapezoid RX Wireguided Retrieval Basket is designed for the crushing and removal of stones in the biliary duct. The Flexi-Stiff™ Catheter construction provides a flexible and sturdy catheter designed to bend with biliary anatomy while maintaining pushability. The metal alloy basket is designed to maintain basket symmetry even after difficult stone manipulation.
- Tip Disengages
- Tip disengages to facilitate basket removal if stone does not break, helping to reduce risk of basket impaction.
- Mechanical Stone Crushing Option
- The Alliance™ II Inflation System can be used to crush large stones trapped within the basket with scope in place
- Maintains Guidewire Access
- Distal side-port guidewire channel facilitates duct access
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Technical Description
- Recommended Guidewire (in) : 0.035
- Open Basket Diameter (cm): 1.5
- Required Working Channel (mm): 3.2
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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