RF 3000™RF 3000™ Generator
Product Number: M001262200
GTIN: 08714729375463
The RF 3000 Radio Frequency (RF) Generator is intended for thermal coagulation of soft tissue with electrodes separately cleared by the United States FDA. The generator delivers an isolated RF output of up to 200 watts to the electrode. Full power is available in the impedance range of 25Ω to 100Ω at a constant RF voltage; lower powers are available outside this range. Power can be adjusted manually; however, changes in load impedance will change the actual power delivered (a safety feature described more fully in “Passive Power Limitation”). When power is on, actual delivered RF power and impedance are displayed. The Operation and Service Manual is intended as an instructional guide only.
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Technical Description
- Watts: 200
- Volts: 115
Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
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